Broken Faith: Spiritual Discord, 1 Read online

Page 22

  Sabrina said that her mind trick would work. Yeah that obviously went well. “How did you break out of the fog?”

  Braylee is a strong spirit, I knew that, but according to Sabrina and her utter faith in her ability, Braylee shouldn’t have been able to come out of that fog for hours.

  “It wasn’t easy. I felt sick to my stomach. It was like my mind was arguing with itself. Finally, I won. I broke through whatever it is that little twit did to me. I finally remembered her beady green eyes staring into mine, and her telling me some story that for some reason I believed.”

  I sigh. “I’m sorry, Bray. It’s not that I think you’re a mindless idiot. I was worried about how you’d react about the sword, and was trying to keep you out of harm’s way. I didn’t know what was going to happen tonight. I was just trying to protect you.”

  In a soft whisper, Harper speaks up. “You should have more faith in us, Emma.”

  Harper’s hurt is obvious. Everyone else nods in agreement. I do have faith in my friends. I don’t always show it very well, but I do. Still, Harper has a point.

  “Listen guys, I’m sorry. Honestly, I didn’t think you would believe me. And, I didn’t want you guys to get hurt.”

  Braylee sticks out her arm. A gash runs up her arm from where Evren had her in his grasps. “Yeah, that worked out well didn’t it? Poor Chase is all banged up and bruised. Not to mention B over there,” she finishes, nodding at Briston.

  I hang my head. “I know guys. I don’t know how many times I can say I’m sorry.”

  Harper, Gaige, and a reluctant Braylee all squat down to give a group hug. Harper nudges me in the shoulder. “Next time, have more faith in us. We’re friends, Em. We will always have your back.”

  Harper pulls away to look at the fallen angels assembled in my backyard. “No matter how crazy the lineup behind your back gets.”

  Braylee smiles, “You know me, I like crazy.”

  Chase chuckles behind her, but so does Gaige.

  “Sure,” Braylee continues with a shrug, “if you would have told us, I’m sure we would have written crazy across your forehead at first, but the massive hunk of furry meat with snapping claws is kind of hard to dispute.”

  Gaige stands back up, shaking his head. “Come on Chase, you probably need to sit down. We don’t need your girlfriend getting all bent out of shape because you passed out again.”

  Chase does look in better shape than I thought he would be. I was sure that Evren had snapped his arm. Maybe it was just Evren snapping his razor-sharp teeth. Either way, I’m glad to see everyone’s okay, and alive.

  Chase waves Gaige off. “I’m fine, man. Besides, I like when Braylee’s all bent out of shape.”

  Braylee smiles at Chase, then gives Gaige a hug. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Gaige asks. He looks as surprised as everyone else. Braylee hardly ever said thank you.

  “For saving my life, and, well, helping me drag Chase into the house.” Gaige looks down with embarrassment. This is a day of miracles. Never has there been a truce, even for the slightest of moments, between these two. Too bad I don’t have my phone. I would so be recording this right now.

  Chase rubs the back of his head. “Yeah, man, thanks. Although next time, could you two try to pick up my head a little higher? I think the porch steps did more damage than that pooch did.”

  “That wasn’t a pooch.” We all jump when two of the angels approach our group. “That my friend was a hell hound. I’m William. This is Rainn.”

  The girl standing beside William gives an awkward wave. “Sorry about your shed. Those hounds can really tear things up.”

  William scrunches his glasses up on his face. His spikey hair and pale skin give him a down to earth approach compared to the others. “The Hounds do not care about being discovered, and they certainly do not care about human safety. Judging by your injuries, you have probably also come to that conclusion.”

  Rainn shakes her head as she gives William an exasperated look. “Yes, I think they got that from the snapping jaws and sharp claws, Will.” Rainn rolls her eyes. “You’ll have to excuse Will. He’s not too quick on the obvious.”

  Gaige laughs. “Yeah, this one here isn’t either.” He pokes Braylee with his finger. “We can handle the oblivious.”

  Braylee sticks out her hand, “You are not talking about me being oblivious, Gaige ‘So Sure of Himself’ Warner! Who was the one—”

  I jump up to my feet, saving everyone from another round of their banter. I guess the truce is off. I stick out my hand to Rainn.

  “Hi I’m Emma.”

  I introduce the rest of the gang, who seem eager to shake the hand of an angel.

  Rainn is a pretty cool girl. Her bright blonde hair trails down past her butt and her light blue eyes stand out. They are wide and welcoming. She’s very pretty, and very laid back. She’s also very strong. I remember her sword slashing through the air as she twisted around Falon, slicing a gash in his side before she landed on the ground in a crouch. The jeans, t-shirt, leather jacket, and boots combo really set off her image as tough.

  “So tell me something my dear fallen angels,” Braylee steps up with her hand on her hips. “What happened to the hounds? We had just come back here, and watched from the kitchen window as they just vanished into thin air. What was that about?”

  William waves his hand through the air dismissively. “Nothing unusual. Falon and Evren just returned to the depths of Hell.”

  “Okay got that, but they vanished into thin air.” Braylee responds.

  “Yes and angels appear on earth then return to Heaven in a mist. It’s how we travel between the realms.” William’s tone implies that we should know this. Did he not get the concept that we were new to this and didn’t travel by shimmering off or misting away?

  Rainn notices our confusion and smiles. “William honey, this is new to them. Let’s do try and explain a little better.”

  “Ah, yes. You see when a hell hound returns to the depths of Hell, they can only shimmer from this plane to return there. However, they cannot shimmer or vanish from one point on earth to another. Now, if they shimmer—”

  Rainn holds up her hands, waving William off. “Never mind, he’s getting too technical. It’s just the Hounds’ way of travel, and even then, only the Alpha can do it. That’s why he laid his hand on Evren’s shoulder. Angels do the same thing but without the Alpha hindrance.”

  Braylee jumps up and down with excitement. Why I don’t know. It’s not like she can shimmer or mist.

  “That is so cool. I’m really jealous. I’ve always said if there’s one super power I could get, it would be teleportation. What other superpowers do you have?”

  Rainn and William look at each other, with what seems to be remorseful expressions. Rainn smiles at Braylee. “We lost all our powers when we fell, including the ability to mist. Until we get our wings back, we are as normal as you guys. Well, except for our vast knowledge, and golden blood.”

  Braylee, never one to dull a moment, speaks her mind. “Well that sucks. If you knew you were going to lose all your awesomeness, why fall? If I was given the opportunity to be just me or be Wonder Woman, I would so be standing here in a cape right now.”

  Everyone laughs, including the angels. Harper steps up, still chuckling, and wraps her arms around Braylee. “I’m sure they have their reasons.”

  William starts to say something when a loud angry voice fills air.

  “You will not speak of her that way, Stille!”

  Kayson has laid Sabrina aside and is now squaring off with Stille. Stille’s arms are crossed over his broad chest and his honey colored hair swoops down over his eyes, which are narrowed at Kayson.

  Stille, whose name Kayson shouted so many times, earlier, while he was trying to heal Sabrina, doesn’t budge an inch. “What option do you have, Kayson? Why can you not see that you will not survive if you continue to protect that, yes, that thing?”

  Kayson’s fist connects with Sti
lle’s face. Stille recovers and comes back at Kayson. If Stille had cared about Kayson being injured before, all that flies right out the window as he returns the blow.

  William, Rainn, and the other fallen angels storm over to the fight, breaking the two apart. I start to rush over to them, but Briston pulls me back by grabbing my leg. “Don’t go over there, Emma. Let the angels handle this.”

  “Maybe I can help. Nothing’s going to happen, B. I’ll be right back.” I nod at the others to watch over Briston before making my way over to the group of angels.

  “You are a disgrace to us. I cannot believe I turned my wings away to help you and Falon. What a waste of effort you two turned out to be.” Stille shrugs off the others holding him.

  Kayson’s captors continue to hold him since he’s still putting up a fight. “I will not allow you to compare me to him.”

  Rainn steps between the two. “Come on boys, we’ve already had enough fighting for one night. There has to be a common ground we can agree on.” Rainn turns to another girl amongst the group of angels. “Saja, what do you think?”

  Saja is small compared to the other angels in the group. Everything about Saja seems small, even her short black pixie cut. But her influence and spirit seems to stand out from the rest. She looks at Kayson, then to Sabrina. When she speaks, her voice is clear and drawing. I can’t help but to intently listen to what she has to say.

  “I think Kayson has a right to prove his belief.” Stille looks at her in disbelief, but before he can say anything, she continues. “Every being has always had the right to prove his or her beliefs. Some have walked away with truth, and others have been proven wrong. Why should we judge Kayson simply for wanting to prove a belief he believes in so strongly? It is not our way, Stille, and you know it. He deserves a chance.”

  Every angel nods with agreement, except Stille.

  Stille paces for a moment, rubbing his stubbled chin. Then he turns, “Fine, but I will not take any part in nursing the demon child back to health. That is all on you, Kayson. I will help protect the others, but nothing more.”

  Kayson looks ready to deck Stille again, no doubt from the ‘demon child’ comment.

  “I cannot wait until the day I can see your face when I prove the universe wrong.”

  Kayson looks as if he’s about to say more, but then grabs at his side with pain. William and the other two angels holding him, gently set him on the ground. Kayson lies back against the ground, breathing rapidly as he holds his side. He reaches out to Sabrina and takes her hand.

  I was wondering when that would happen. Kayson has been running on pure adrenaline to ignore his pain. Now that his adrenaline is starting to wear off, his injuries are starting to catch up to him. He has not only reopened his earlier wounds, but he has sustained fresh wounds from the fight tonight as well. Golden blood seeps down his chest through the torn bandages across his abdomen and back.

  I turn to tell Harper or Braylee to go get the first aid kit. But when I look at my friend’s expression, I turn back around. The fallen angels have backed away from Kayson. A mist, almost as thick as a heavy fog, fills the air. A large set of wings appear, then a body. My breath catches as I take in the beauty of the woman hovering over Kayson. With perfect grace, she slowly descends to the ground.

  The fallen angels kneel down on one knee, with their head bent. The angel ignores them as she takes in Kayson. Kayson’s eyes open after a few moments, and he manages to struggle to a seated position when he sees the angel.

  “Jacey, what are you doing here?”

  The angel’s voice is soft, but carries resonance at many levels.

  “Sala sent me. She has been watching your fight with the hounds. You continue to stand your ground on a belief that no one else believe to be possible.”

  “I do.” Kayson looks hopeful. “Are you here to heal Sabrina?”

  “No.” The answer doesn’t hold disgust like Stille’s had earlier, but it does carry a warning. “Kayson you know better than to ask suck a question. Sala sent me to heal you. Take this healing with gratitude, Kayson. How can you fight for the soul of the one you love if you are not well?”

  Kayson looks away from the angel. In a soft voice, he continues to plead with her. “Please, Jacey. Heal Sabrina. I will sacrifice my soul for hers.”

  Jacey places her hand on Kayson’s chest. In a soft voice she says, “You cannot sacrifice your soul for one who has none.”

  A light, so bright I have to cover my eyes, comes from the angel’s hands. When the light disappears, the Angel Jacey is gone.

  It takes a moment for my vision to return to normal but when it does, my jaw drops. I gawk at Kayson as he stands. His body is completely healed, leaving behind no trace of his previous state. His bandages are gone, so his incredibly defined chest is in open view. A deep blush fills my face as I take in Kayson. I love Briston, don’t get me wrong, but any girl who doesn’t blush if they see what I am seeing, doesn’t appreciate the beauty of a man. I hear Braylee whistle behind me. Leave it to her to let her boyfriend know she is openly checking out a guy.

  Kayson ignores everything around him and kneels down to brush Sabrina’s hair away from her face. “What do we do now?”

  The others rise from their kneeling positions and look at one another with question. This is where I come in. Clearing my throat, I make my suggestion. “Sabrina told us about a cabin she found. A place where she was planning on taking you tonight. It’s secluded deep in the woods.”

  “Do you know where it is?” Kayson asks.

  I nod. “Yes.”

  Everyone turns to Stille, waiting for his opinion. “I guess it will do for now. What will we do with the girl?”

  “I told you, she’s coming with us.” Kayson sweeps Sabrina up in his arms.

  “I’m talking about the human girl. She must be protected as well. Falon knows where she lives. He will be back for her if he can’t find us.”

  I’m quick to jump in with a solution. “I don’t live here. My parents do and they won’t be back for a few weeks. Until then, I’m sure I will be fine at my apartment.”

  “No.” Briston’s voice rings over the backyard. “The hounds have been following you, remember.”

  Dang Briston and his loud mouth. “The hounds followed me to work and school, but they haven’t been to my apartment, because I haven’t been there since this all started.” Oh, how I miss my quiet life in my tiny apartment right now.

  “It’s still too dangerous. You’ll have to stay under protection.” Stille says in a hard tone, making it clear no argument is to be had. I didn’t know whether to like Stille for his bravery and fierce protection, or dislike him for the same reasons. The others show him respect as a leader, but what is behind all that tough exterior?

  Braylee walks up behind me and places her arm around my shoulders. “Angel protection with these hunks? I can think of worse things.” I’m sure she can.

  With my heart pounding, I take a step forward. My face burns from the rush of adrenaline as I face down Stille. “I have to go to school and to work. My life can’t just stop because your war spilled into my parent’s backyard.”

  “I’ll stay with her.” Rainn offers, obviously picking up on my distress. “It could do me some good to be back around the humans.”

  Stille doesn’t seem to like this, but really, does he think he can make me stay with them? I didn’t think angels were too keen on kidnapping. “Fine, but the others must stay with her, here.”

  “Alright, an extended slumber party with my favorite peeps. This could be fun.” Braylee says with too much enthusiasm. Yeah, lots of fun.

  “Why can’t we stay at my apartment? It’s only thirty minutes away?” I’m still unwilling to let this go. I wanted all danger away from my parent’s house. What if they came back early? How would I explain everything? Sorry mom, I was homesick so we’ve been shacked up in your house for a couple of weeks. She would never believe it.

  Rainn makes her way over to me and whi
spers in my ear. “Don’t press it right now. Let’s just go with the plan for now, and if something needs to change, you can challenge him later.”

  I take Rainn’s advice and give in for the time being. “Fine. The cabin is only fifteen minutes from here. It’s at the bottom of the ridge, tucked into a nook in the mountain.”

  Stille and the others nod. Stille then addresses Kayson.

  “I hope her life is worth the danger you are putting these humans and your fellow brethren’s in is worth it.”

  Kayson doesn’t answer Stille’s remark. I’m sure he was getting the point that Stille doesn’t agree with him and would probably hear that opinion a lot.

  “Emma, can you take us to this cabin?” Kayson asks.

  I really don’t want to go to the cabin. It is creepy. But if that’s what it takes to move these unearthly beings out of my backyard, then that’s what I will do. I just hope Sabrina is right about the spirits backing away from the fallen angels. I know that place is haunted. Sabrina confirmed that vengeful spirits were around, although she shrugged them off as nothing. I sure thought they were something.

  “Yeah, I can take you. I just need to take care of a few things before we go.” I grab Braylee by the arm and drag her with me back to the others. “Okay listen guys. I’m going to take them to the cabin. Harper, Gaige, I want you two to go check on Mrs. Porter. The hounds have been camped out at her place for the last couple of days. I don’t know what they did to her but I need you guys to go see if she’s okay. Braylee, I want you to take Chase and Briston to the hospital. Make something up about their injuries.”

  “Absolutely not,” Briston holds out his hand for someone to help him up. Gaige helps Briston to his feet. Briston leans up against Gaige for support. “If you think you’re going with a bunch of angels to a secluded cabin alone, you’re crazy.”